How To Raise pH In Hot Tub?


Hot tubs provide a wonderful way to relax and unwind, but maintaining the proper pH balance is crucial for keeping the water clean and safe for users. When the pH level in a hot tub is too low, it becomes acidic, leading to skin and eye irritation, and even corrosion of the tub components. On the other hand, if the pH is too high, it can cause cloudy water and reduce the effectiveness of sanitizers. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of raising the pH in your hot tub effectively, ensuring a pleasant and hygienic soak every time.

Understanding the pH Scale and Ideal pH Range

Before we delve into the methods of raising the pH, let’s understand the pH scale. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH below 7 is acidic, and a pH above 7 is alkaline. The ideal pH range for a hot tub lies between 7.2 to 7.8, slightly alkaline. Maintaining the pH within this range ensures the water is comfortable and safe for bathers.

Testing the Current pH Level

The first step in adjusting the pH is to test the current pH level of your hot tub water. You can use test strips or a liquid testing kit available at pool supply stores. Dip the test strip into the water or collect a sample and add the liquid reagent as per the instructions. Match the resulting color to the pH chart provided to determine the pH level.

Using Baking Soda to Raise pH

One effective method to raise the pH in your hot tub is by using baking soda, which is easily available and safe for hot tub use. Baking soda is a base and works to neutralize the acidity in the water. To use baking soda, follow these steps:

  • Measure pH: Check the current pH level using the test strips or liquid kit.
  • Calculate Quantity: Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or a reliable online resource to determine the amount of baking soda needed based on your hot tub’s size and the current pH level.
  • Add Baking Soda: Sprinkle the required amount of baking soda directly into the hot tub water, ensuring it disperses evenly.
  • Utilizing Soda Ash or Sodium Carbonate
  • Soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate, is another effective method to raise pH levels. It is a stronger base than baking soda and might be required if your hot tub’s pH is exceptionally low. Follow these steps to use soda ash:
  • Measure pH: Test the current pH level as mentioned earlier.
  • Calculate Quantity: Determine the amount of soda ash needed based on the hot tub’s volume and current pH level.
  • Add Soda Ash: Dissolve the required amount of soda ash in a bucket of water first and then pour it into the hot tub, spreading it evenly.

Aerating the Water

A simple yet often overlooked method of raising the pH in a hot tub is by aerating the water. This process involves allowing air to enter the water, which can naturally increase the pH level. To aerate the water, follow these steps:

  • Use Water Features: Turn on any water features your hot tub might have, such as jets or fountains, to allow air to mix with the water.
  • Use a Hose: Direct a hose above the water’s surface, letting the water fall back into the tub, which promotes aeration.

Precautions and Tips

  • Avoid adding large quantities of any pH-raising chemical all at once, as it can lead to an overshoot of the pH level.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the safe use of chemicals in your hot tub.
  • Regularly check and adjust the pH levels to ensure a consistently pleasant hot tub experience.
  • If you are unsure about adjusting the pH yourself, consult a professional hot tub technician for assistance.


Q1: Can I Use Vinegar to Raise pH in My Hot Tub?

No, vinegar should not be used to raise pH levels in a hot tub. While vinegar is acidic, adding it to the water can lead to further imbalances and cause harm to your hot tub components.

Q2: How Often Should I Test My Hot Tub’s pH?

It is recommended to test the pH levels in your hot tub at least once a week. However, if your hot tub sees heavy usage or experiences extreme weather conditions, more frequent testing may be necessary.

Q3: Can I Use Baking Powder Instead of Baking Soda?

No, baking powder is not a suitable substitute for baking soda in raising pH levels. Baking powder contains additional ingredients like acids, which can lead to undesirable effects in your hot tub water.

Q4: Will High pH Levels Affect the Hot Tub’s Equipment?

Yes, high pH levels can be detrimental to your hot tub’s equipment. It can lead to scale buildup on the surfaces and reduce the effectiveness of sanitizers and other chemicals.

Q5: How Does pH Affect Bather Comfort?

An imbalanced pH level can cause skin and eye irritation in hot tub users. Moreover, it can affect the effectiveness of sanitizers, leading to unsanitary water conditions.

Q6: Can I Soak in the Hot Tub While Adjusting pH?

It is best to avoid using the hot tub while adjusting the pH levels. Wait for the pH to stabilize within the recommended range before enjoying a soak.


Achieving the perfect pH balance in your hot tub is crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. By following the methods outlined in this guide, such as using baking soda, soda ash, or aerating the water, you can easily raise the pH level and maintain the ideal range. Regularly test and adjust the pH to keep your hot tub water clean, clear, and inviting. Now that you have the know-how, you can confidently maintain your hot tub’s pH balance and enjoy countless relaxing soaks.

Post time: Jul-19-2023